Mind on the Brain


Watch a video tape as a prompt during an interview.


One simple way to help an interviewee open up during a conversation is with photos. Thumbing through a photo album or a box of old pictures can jog a person’s memory, help take them back in time.

In fact, anything that might activate another sense during an interview may prompt a deeper, more profound response to questions. Have an interviewee hold an object. Bring them to a place from their past and walk around. Take a look at the clothes they wore for a special occasion.

In short, get people moving and using senses other than their ears during an interview.

Salt student Caty Enders used video tapes to prompt discussion. The added benefit to video is you can use the sound in your story. Take a listen to Caty’s piece “Mind On The Brain” and hear how she integrated audio from video into her production.

Cheers, Rob


  1. 3 Responses to “Mind on the Brain”

  2. By D. Brent Miller on Nov 17, 2009

    Very nice piece. Informative and revealing in the way one individual deals daily with head injuries. –Brent

  3. By Pat Race on Dec 2, 2009

    You asked about the read, I thought it was nurturing, curious, pleasant, and human.

    Katie comes across as a thoughtful, happy, sad, and caring person through her narration and sets a great tone for the story.

  4. By Meghan Vigeant on Dec 15, 2009

    I really liked the read. Narration got a little lost under the music in the car scene, but clear and empathetic throughout. I thought the writing was excellent. Simple, straightforward. I like that Caty provides Marie’s conflicting feelings about her situation.

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